My Own Head

Again against my better judgement, I’m back outside. And as usual the lawn crew that mows the two strips of grass for the EMC are back at it again. They have a crew of at least three and they take at least three hours to mow those two strips of grass. Whereas Mr. Brown can mow my entire yard in less than 30 minutes. It begs me to question, who’s getting paid by the hour. Thank God only about six people actually read anything I write this far or I’d be getting letters from union groups right now.

It's a kinda hazy day already and the gnats are out in full force. Normally I would just sit in my room till October but with the promise of a little breeze I couldn’t help but come outside. So with the back drop of a few birds, the smell of laundry, and the hum of dueling leaf blowers. I can’t help but feel inspired to inspire you with my words. But seriously, after a weekend of being trapped in a dark bedroom with two fans and a broke down AC going. Just about anything’s better than sitting there in my own head.

I guess maybe the point to all this is, despite the circumstance anything’s better than the situation you find yourself in. Though it’s hard to see where fighting off a thousand gnats and the reverberating sound of leaf blowers is better. Sometimes even the bird that just shit on my shoulder is a better alternative to getting lost inside your own head. So I’ll take my gnats and my wet shoulder and be grateful. For once the noise dissipates I’m left with a clearer mind now focused on the smell of ripening figs and the approaching sound of quiet.


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