What I Feel

Life is a continuing journey which none of us really knows how it will end. Through either faith, stubbornness, or the steer will to survive we are all driven to move forward. I like to think of myself as a survivor, mostly because of my lack of faith in the actions of men. You could say I’m stubborn, but that mostly comes from the compassion I feel for others.

Since 2007 I’ve written some 1200+ blog posts mostly about myself and the world around me. Sharing experiences is an age old tradition that pre-dates the evolution of language itself. Our ancestors would sit around campfires and pass along tales of the hunt or teach young ones the ways of survival. I always loved hearing stories my Grandma Geiger told, I also listened to stories Aunt Bessie and Uncle Mack told me. Each had their own style and subject matter, but the stories they and many others told influenced the person I am today.

Now most people don’t have time for a story, instead it’s hashtags, likes, and emojis that have taken the  place of genuine communication. Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not my father-in-law that still uses a flip phone. I understand the convenience technology brings. My point is do not allow that same technology to take away your ability to speak, express compassion, or tell your truth.

I’ve seen some crazy shit in the 56 years I’ve been around. I witnessed demonstrations for and against civil rights, I saw a no win war play out on TV, and I saw a country divided over one man’s lies. Ironically, I see the same shit happening to a whole new generation today. Don’t allow yourselves to get caught up with the crowd. Think for yourself, listen, and take wise counsel. Don’t be just a follower, instead be the leader of your own heart and mind.


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