Sacrifice: Willingness to Love

I just woke up from a really deep sleep. The kind where you don’t dream and your mind just seems to slip away. The last few days I’ve been living between a state of dreaming and dizziness. Through circumstances beyond my control, I’ve been rationing myself in order to make it through the next few days. Unfortunately in my current physical condition this is not be smartest thing to do. The imbalances in my body cause my physical and mental conditions to swing back and to erratically. I’m sure what I’m saying doesn’t make too much sense and that’s okay. Because not everything that’s written or seen has to be understood. Still it’s funny how we push ourselves in the name of love. We make sacrifices, even to the point of harming ourselves, all for the sake of others. I suppose it’s an instinctual thing. A primal urge that comes from our very core. Still while you would think our urges would dictate selfishness, here on full display is the need of many outweighing the needs of the one....