You Were Yesterday

I look out my window and I see the morning coming to life. And I have to wonder, where am I in all of this? We live in our thoughts with the ability to reason and plan. Yet the burden of this is the weight of worry, of wonder, and of dread. But looking at the world in this moment you are living gives you power. Power to change your tomorrow’s and forgive your past.

It took me a really long time to grasp that concept, that this moment is all we can really change. Looking out my office window the world turns beneath my feet. Clouds move across the sky, and somewhere other than here the world sleeps and the world rise’s to anew. It’s so much more than just us. Yet it is I that is that focus of my thoughts.

Take a moment to look beyond just yourself. Think of those that surround you, those you love and those you don’t know. Life is a never ended circle that spins on itself around a star. Think of yourself as one of many that make up the fabric of life. Then look at yourself as the one. The individual who has the power to make yourself better than the person you were yesterday. 


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