
Wow! That was a doozy. It’s not often that I have good panic attack anymore. But when I do, they’re hard to forget. A few moments ago, I woke up with a shout. My heart was a racing, I was short of breath, and I had to run to the bathroom. Now you may think that sounds like a heart attack. But if you get up and notice many of the symptoms starting to ease. In my experience it’s usually a classic panic attack. But still, that doesn’t make the experience any easier to deal with. I don’t think I need to tell you what brought on this latest little episode. The current state of world affairs, the sudden changes in routine, the onslaught of bad news; have all contributed to this rush of stressful emotion. Not to mention me running out of my anti-depressant medication a few days ago. But in this “pay-to-play” healthcare system we live under, it’s a wonder this doesn’t happen more often (insert very large eye roll). Listen, I’m no hero for overcoming mental health issues. If I ...