Better Place

There’s a nice cool breeze blowing today. My old buddy the mockingbird is doing a duet with a crow. Just got the clothes hung out on the line, and for a moment everything seems all right with the world. Our next door neighbor (The Electric Co-op) is busy, pulling parts and loading trucks to do work on the grid. I for one am just sitting here, smelling the laundry as it dries and keeping myself away from the news. This is one of those times when everyone is affected by the current situation. Rather at work or quarantined at home or both; the world is sharing this experience. 

Here in my little corner of the planet the pandemic can seem a million miles away. But with cases of the virus showing up here, even the deniers and conspiracy theorist are paying attention. I don’t know what to tell you. I mean it’s a bit redundant for me to tell you to remain calm. I mean hell, I am part of high-risk group several times over, but I suffer through. Right now my temperature’s fine but my sinuses are on high alert and mucus is draining into my throat. But again, I suffer through.

Fear is an ally of paranoia and selfishness and considering this virus caution is definitely a necessity. My worry is that as things get worse, we start forgetting our humanity; and dug even deeper into our paranoia and tribalism. But so far, at least in my world, I’m seeing quite the opposite. I’m seeing a bonding of the online community like never before. The hatred seems to have subsided somewhat and the isolation has given way to a renewed desire for human contact. So maybe, just maybe some good can come out of this and hopefully the world can become a better place. 


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