Put in the Effort

I’m currently sitting in my daughter’s massage chair. Me and George spent the last 45 minutes raking leaves and dog shit, both which we have in abundant supply. I quit taking after noticing a blister on my hand, that had already popped. So I came inside, washed my hands and got a band aid. I know this doesn’t sound like much of a day, but it’s getting things done. If you think about it, life is never about a big series of events. It’s about the tedious and the mundane things that make real special events…special. As much as I like to say “just let it go”, there still have to be moments of planning and work. Without working on my mental health issues, I’d still be balled up in a corner of a room somewhere. Without work and routine, I’d still be laying in a bed not growing any stronger after my heart issues. You see despite what we may wish for, nothing ever improves without planning and action. Even in the depth of Zen philosophy, things have to be done. As much as I l...