Sun to my Back
I know I shouldn’t complain, I mean it’s 32°, and not like it’s
twenty below. But I’m sandwiched between a mattress, two sheets, two blankets, a
comforter, and a couple of throw covers. I can see my breath while I breathe and
fingers are peeking out from under the covers just so I can type. Not sure what
the temperature is in this house. But as soon as the sun gets a little higher, I’ll
be outside with the warm sun to my back.
I don’t wear my poverty as some badge of honor, no more than
any of the other billions of people do. It’s just simply a fact. Watching those
folks in Texas this week was a reminder that someone’s always got it worse than
you. But to sit and judge a person’s worth by how tough and independent they are
is fool hearty. Proud after all was the original sin (Isaiah 14:12-17).
I heard someone recently rail against “big government” bailouts
and oversight. Making the same old claims about big brother and the loss of “freedom”.
Honey, I hate to hurt your feelings, but there’s a few million of our fellow citizens
that need help right now. Rather it’s the desperate situation in Texas, the killing
of small businesses by the pandemic, or the millions struggling with food insecurity.
“Toughen up, buttercup” ain’t going to cut it.
It’s easy to say those words when you have a job and frankly white privilege on your side. I might have the privilege, but I also live on a fixed income. I made the decision not to heat my home or water because it’s more important to have a roof over my head and three square meals a day. So while it may make you feel superior when you say that shit about others. Remember the proverb, “I had no shoes and complained, till I met a man with no feet” – Anonymous.
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