Just Another Day
Just got back from my daughter’s, George is fine BTW. The
clothes on the line are pretty much dry, I cranked the Ranger up to clean out
the fuel lines, and the cats are lining up to get in my lap like I’m a mall Santa
Claus. Just another day in South Central Georgia. Not that I’m complaining, I
mean I wish I could be still be working, talking to clients across the world at
three in the morning. Overseeing projects and writing systems plans.
But fate or poor genetics or both landed me here; not so
much kicking, but at least I’m breathing. Gratitude runs in all kinds of
directions. I mean, you can be grateful for 100 billion dollars you’re not
paying taxes on. Or you’re grateful to simply be able to put food on the table.
Me, I’m somewhere in-between. Not very rich, but with food in the garden. At
the moment, I’m just happy to just be typing. Because after my chores and cat rubbing
were done, my heart started skipping a few beats, leaving me a little out of
breath and lightheaded. But don’t worry, I ain’t dead yet.
The EMC lineman next door should be pulling in to restock
and turn in their work orders. Down the highway loggers and factory workers are
heading home. I’m sure a few are grateful for what they have. I’m sure many are
wanting a little more. But that’s okay, I don’t fault no one for wanting to
better themselves. I’m back in the house now, curtains draw and the air going. Feeling
better now that I got me some tea and lemon and a heating pad. Be grateful for
what you have, don’t let fear, bitterness, jealousy an otherwise good day.
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