Always on my Mind/Value of Yourself

Lately all I can think about is a job. When I get up in the morning, when I go to sleep, even when I dream, I'm thinking about who to sent a resume to next. So far my track record isn't very good, of all the resumes, applications, and cover letters I have sent, I've only gotten a few replies for more information, one interview. And one half interview were I was the only one who showed up. As much as I'd hate to admit, this does take a toll on the ego, wallet, and lifestyle. Not that we lived like kings mind you, but it was nice to take your wife out every so often.   

Right now the things around the house are wearing a bit thin. Things like towels, clothes, teeth, all are in need of repair. I do thank God that no one has had to go to the doctor, my medicine cost enough as it is. So at this point I would work for food, if someone was hiring. Sometimes my mind wonders if I hadn't gone back to school, would I been able to find work? I mean my values wouldn't have been very high and I would have taken anything. Kinda like right now. 

So while I sit here and pour out useless thoughts to anyone who will hear. What is the value of a human? Is it my wealth? Is it what I leave behind? Or will it simply be the nutrients I leave in the ground? I guess much like everyone else I want to leave something. To leave this life better for those left. Will I be able to do that? Or is mine a life wasted? 

How all that ties into getting a job who knows? But it does wear on your value of yourself doesn't it?    


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