I'm I Making the Right Turn?

As you pursue a your dreams, like I am to create a career, you run across patches were you wonder if your on the right path. Well over the last few months that's what I have been wondering. I mean put yourself in my situation, I'm nearly 50, just finishing my first bachelor's degree, and going into a new career field. So if I wonder if I'm doing the right thing, I think I'm justified in having those thoughts.

Well today I go a little ego boost. The boost came from of all places a textbook. It's our first week in a new class so I was reading the text for the week. What I found in it was a full blown description of the job I want to get into. Then it went on to describe some of the personal traits that are best to have at that job. Nearly every quality the book described I have in my own life and have used in my professional life. Needless to say, I felt pretty good after reading that.

I guess my whole point in writing any of this is to tell others to first learn who you are. What do you like to do? Do you enjoy posting news on Facebook? Do you enjoy taking pictures with your phone cam? Do you like developing Apps or playing with you computer? Then you have the skills to be a reporter, become a professional photographer, or even an analyst or programmer. What I'm saying is become someone you want to be, doing something you want to do.

Don't just settle for whatever you find. During the first 46 years of my life that's what I did, settle. Somethings I settled because I was lazy, a lot of times I settled because I had to. Now I'm not saying every job I ever had wasn't rewarding or enjoyable. What I'm saying is I usually ended up never living up to my fullest. I simply settled for what was in front of me and didn't work to enhance what I already had inside myself. Don't settle for that with yourself, be what you can.

Look at me, if you see my little black & white profile shot what would you say. Please don't comment I do enough critiquing of myself as it is without any help. What I'm saying is from that picture you'd think I was a fairly established person, a mature individual. Honestly, I learn something new about myself everyday, and a lot of times I surprise myself with what I find out. So I think if you try and do this yourself, you'll find some interesting things yourself.

So don't sell yourself short, maybe your a natural born leader, and end up becoming the best manager that Burger World ever had. If you love fixing food and pleasing customers I hope you work at a BW near me. It's not so much what you do as it is how much you love what you do. Are you making the right turn?


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