Bored. Bored. Bored.

Does anyone remember the Garfield craze of the early 80's? When all your friends had Garfield books and stuffed Garfield's hanging on their car windows? Well, Garfield had some memorable quotes from back then with one being, "I hate Mondays", another being "Diet is die with a t", and another lesser known one "Bored. Bored. Bored.". (Yes, I know my Garfield.) 

Well recently the last one bored, bored, you know the rest, has been playing over and over in my mind again. I mean, I have my studies and my business, and my life for that matter, yet I hear that little cartoon cell saying, Bored. Bored. Bored.

It's usually here that I make some profound revelation or write out a piece of wisdom I've discovered to counteract the problem, but here I don't. I guess for so long I focused on the dark, haunted places, where all I could do is cover myself and hide. So then when I finally peaked out at the light and slowly embraced it, I found myself grabbing at so many things. So many that I discovered that those thing soon gave way to more and more things, to the point that when I do slowdown I become, Bored. Bored. Bored.      

Is there a cure for this? Would you want to be cured? Those are questions I purpose to you.  Is it OK to be bored? Can boredom take away from your focus? Or, can you use boredom to re-ignite some lost passion or desire? 

I guess to conclude this, all that can be said is, Are you bored? If so, are there ways to re-kindle the passion? Or is taking yourself in a new direction the answer your looking for? 

These are questions you can only answer yourself. Good Luck.   


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