In The Back Of Your Mind
Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid? I guess I wanted to be a cop like "Adam-12" (the '60's version not the '90's version) or a paramedic like the guys on "Emergency" with Squad 51. But as I got into high school my influences were teachers like my drafting teacher, Mr. Burroughs. He was so cool, he dressed well, drive a Lincoln Mark V (the size of a small ocean-liner) and the girls loved him. Because of him I wanted to be an architect, I even designed two houses in his class (they looked like the Brady Bunch house, but it was 1978).
After high school graduation I lost focus, I started and dropped out of college within a year to a good paying job at a print shop. Money became my main motivator, I worked just to make money. The jobs became just that, jobs. I had lost my focus my aim, I simple worked to live.
When I got married in the '80's, jobs became more than just for weekend parties or beer money. They became survival money, food money, rent money, diaper and formula money. I got more serious with my work and worked very hard to support my growing family. But still, jobs were just jobs. Then as my kids grew up, I noticed they were watching me, doing what I was doing. It was then I realized I had to do more. I had to set an example for them by being an example. To show them that life can be more than a paycheck, and a job doesn't have to be just something you do, but can be something you can enjoy.
So for a number of years, I tried my best to get my degree. But, as my intention's were good my aim was poor, so I'd end up failing again and again. Finally, I regrouped got my focus back and earned the prize I dreamed of since 1981, a college degree.
But you know, what is a dream without a plan? I felt like a poor dog that chased cars year after year, never knowing what he was going to do if he actually caught one. You see, dreams are fine, hell dreams are great! It's just that if you don't focus that energy toward a goal. You only end up half-successful. Dreams and wishes are only part of the creation. It takes planning, and trying, and working, to make dreams realities, and that's what I'm trying to do.
So never give up on your dreams, even when things get out of focus. Never settle for what doesn't feel right, but make baby steps each day to achieve your real desire. And even though, you might get distracted, don't let those bumps in the road throw you off course for what you've worked for so long.
After high school graduation I lost focus, I started and dropped out of college within a year to a good paying job at a print shop. Money became my main motivator, I worked just to make money. The jobs became just that, jobs. I had lost my focus my aim, I simple worked to live.
When I got married in the '80's, jobs became more than just for weekend parties or beer money. They became survival money, food money, rent money, diaper and formula money. I got more serious with my work and worked very hard to support my growing family. But still, jobs were just jobs. Then as my kids grew up, I noticed they were watching me, doing what I was doing. It was then I realized I had to do more. I had to set an example for them by being an example. To show them that life can be more than a paycheck, and a job doesn't have to be just something you do, but can be something you can enjoy.
So for a number of years, I tried my best to get my degree. But, as my intention's were good my aim was poor, so I'd end up failing again and again. Finally, I regrouped got my focus back and earned the prize I dreamed of since 1981, a college degree.
But you know, what is a dream without a plan? I felt like a poor dog that chased cars year after year, never knowing what he was going to do if he actually caught one. You see, dreams are fine, hell dreams are great! It's just that if you don't focus that energy toward a goal. You only end up half-successful. Dreams and wishes are only part of the creation. It takes planning, and trying, and working, to make dreams realities, and that's what I'm trying to do.
So never give up on your dreams, even when things get out of focus. Never settle for what doesn't feel right, but make baby steps each day to achieve your real desire. And even though, you might get distracted, don't let those bumps in the road throw you off course for what you've worked for so long.
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