Kinda Interesting
Right now I'm finishing up a course in Human Resources in my grad program. To be honest, I never gave a lot of thought to HR other than being some really cranky people who hired you, throwed a benefit pamphlet at you, and called security to escort out when you're fired. Sorry HR.
What I've been learning are some really complicated rules about employment rights, dealing with harassment issues, assembling benefits packages, and creating a diversified workforce. I guess my point is, there can be a lot more to any position or issue than meets the eye.
So far in my experience in management I have been limited to simply managing myself or a small group of people. I'm learning that department managers do have more to do then just walk around and watch people and make decisions that usually didn't work. I'm discovering that managers have a multitude of directions to follow and a lot of people to answer too.
So for me question is, Am I ready or Am I able to take on this kind of task? Part of me says, "Hell No!", while another part of me says, "Why Not!". If there was a major area in myself I really need to continue to work on, it's the confidence I have in my own abilities. You can have a thousand people tell you you're the smartest person in the room. But until you feel it yourself, what's the point.
I realise this may not be the smartest subject to be discussing in a blog when, especially when you're looking for work. But above even monetary needs, I want to be honest with myself. How else can anyone grow as a person if you don't do that? Maybe I just watched too much Star Trek TNG, watching Data despite all his abilities always worked on being better.
That may be the point of this blog, that while I obsess about my limitations. At the same time, I work to learn how I can turn around those limitations into potential advantages. You see, you should never stop learning. The day you do, is the day you crack the door open for stagnation to creep in and take hold.
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