You Never Know
You may have noticed I haven't posted in a few days. Usually this is because of a heavy class schedule or maybe I just wasn't inspired. Well this week a combination of two problems have me flat on my back waiting to get well. For one an infection has down and in pain, plus I have a pinched nerve in my upper back that sends a warm, unpleasant, sharp tingle up my right arm. So while laying here I got to thinking how you never know when some little something can totally change your everyday plans.
I'm not much one for surprises, so when this one, two, punch hit me I wasn't very happy. You see I one of those guys who likes grab the situation by the @#lls and taking change. I guess if I had to learn something from this it is: learn to let go and allow others to run the show. Plus, don't ignore your body, especially when it tells you you're not 20 years old anymore.
And most importantly, while I like to think I'm a pretty important cog in this machine. The world continued to turn while I am flat on my back.
I'm not much one for surprises, so when this one, two, punch hit me I wasn't very happy. You see I one of those guys who likes grab the situation by the @#lls and taking change. I guess if I had to learn something from this it is: learn to let go and allow others to run the show. Plus, don't ignore your body, especially when it tells you you're not 20 years old anymore.
And most importantly, while I like to think I'm a pretty important cog in this machine. The world continued to turn while I am flat on my back.
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