Room to Breathe

I know this is silly, but every so often an old cowboy song pops into my head that goes, "give me land, give me land, lots of wide open land..., don't box me in..." I'm sure many of you never heard it or get why I do. I guess the reason I hear those words is because I've always needed a little "elbow room". 

Sometimes things get crowded up around you and you get a little uncomfortable. It can be people, or work, or the deadline due next week, whatever it is you get a bit flighty. So after a tough 6 weeks, I'm getting a bit flighty myself. While you may empathise with the situation, it's a feeling that's hell to overcome. 

About the best thing I can say about being crowded up is breathe through it remind yourself this isn't going to last forever. And while it may feel like it's never going to it will. Now let's say you cleared one hurdle, but you still got a deadline due. How can I put myself into that situation again? Here's some options. 

First allow yourself some distraction, don't be afraid to admit to yourself you can't do it. Allowing negative emotion into it is not a bad thing. All around us life lives in balance, both good and bad. Once you learn to admit you have fear the thought no longer has a grip on you. It isn't a secret that attacks you when you are alone. You have now put a light on it and accepted it is there. 

Next breathe feel the air come-in and go-out, clear your mind of deadlines or whatever the situation is. This is not easy, and the more you force it, the harder it is. So that's why you practice when you're just fine. So when you really need it it's there for you. As you breathe empty yourself of the fear. Remind yourself you can get through this, that you have done it before and you have the ability and desire to do it again. You have accepted that you are closed in so now breathe through that fear and walk-on. 

As we all go up mountains and low valleys remember everything levels out in the end. And while you may "feel" you don't have the straight the complete the job. Think back at your past victories and march on one step after another. 

Over the next few weeks I hope to continue this theme. Not just for your benefit, but for my own. Because every now and again you need to remind yourself that you need room to breathe.     


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