What Makes An Optimist?
No matter whether you watch the news or search the Internet or just stick your head out the door. All we hear from the left and the right is doom and gloom. It's like the timing of the latest Stones song couldn't have been any better. It's gotten to the point I can't watch the news or read my online newspaper. If the left is mad, doom and gloom. If the right is mad, doom and gloom.
So you may ask, why isn't the title "Doom and Gloom"?
Most know my story, I looked at myself one day and decided I could be better. And over the last several years I've tried. While overcoming both physical and mental obstacles, I managed to reach my dream of going to college and graduating with my bachelor's degree. Even now as I fight those same battles, I find more and more confidence and optimism with every step.
So you may ask, what makes an optimist?
Over the years I knew I could be more and do more than I already had. I just knew that what I had done wasn't the best in me. I think the real catalyst that put my optimism into motion was seeing my kids born. Right then I knew I was part of something bigger than me. That my actions no matter how small effected things. Just like a small rock thrown into a pond, my smallest action causes a ripple effect.
That's when I grabbed a stone.
When I threw that stone it crashed into the water with a splash and ripples became waves that hit the shore. That's how I felt when I went back to school. I had started something that goes on even today. You see with victory after victory, my optimism grows. And as I lay here now and struggle with each keystroke, I win. That's because it's one more word I type that says I'm still an optimist.
So while the world all around you moans it's song of doom and gloom. Hopefully one of you is realizing the same thing within yourself, and your beginning to toss pebbles into our pond of life.
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