When Greed is Good

I was sitting on my pouch  a little while ago, taken a break from sitting for too long at my desk. My back is better, but I still get sore and stiff if I sit-up too long. So I went outside for a change of pace to walk around a bit and relax in my rocker. ( I now understand why President Kennedy kept one in the Oval Office.) 

While sitting there I asked myself why I was seemingly punishing myself continuing to do this course work. I mean, I finished a lifelong goal of earning my bachelor's degree last year. After all the blood, sweat, and tears I went through for that, why the hell am I in graduate school? 

As I rocked a few minutes feeling the warm breeze, listening to a bird's call, and hearing the distant sound of a lawn mower, a quiet voice said, "because you're greedy". For a moment that took me aback, then I remembered that famous movie line, "greed is good". But I for the purpose of what  I'm saying here, it has nothing to do with money and everything to do with drive. 

I believe at the end of the day, the true reason some of us get up is drive. We deep down want to be better than we did yesterday. I'm sure a lot of former professional athletes know what I'm talking about. That for some of us we can't rest on past victories, we have to find new challenges.

Thinking about this, the funny part for me is until a few years ago I didn't know I had this drive in me. Because most of my life I simply settled for what I got. But if I learned nothing else from the past five years of college it is, I learned to except nothing but the best from myself. 

So what is it that drives you?


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