Am I that needy?

The most productive way I've found to procrastinate is to write a blog post. By that I mean, usually I have something critical to do but, that doesn't mean I'm prepared mentally to do it. So in order to get the brain juices to flow, I'll write a draft or blog post. 

Today is no different, I have a project to get started on, I've done the research and now it's time to put my fingers on the keyboard and go. But once again I find myself pausing and hesitating to get it done.  I really don't know why I do this, all I can say is I do. But instead of surfing web pages or taking a nap, at least now I'm doing something near being productive, like creating this blog. Which produces todays question, Am I so needy, that I need to blog?

At first I think the answer would be yes. Before blogging or the Internet, a person may produce an article for a magazine or newspaper to make a statement or talk about something they discovered. Today's social media has made it where anyone can post a thought or idea and see where it lands. The needy part may come in when through our post we grade ourselves by the number of likes or hits we get. If I were to honestly rate my blogs by those numbers, I'm sure blogs written by an 8 year old on the do's and don'ts of Hello Kitty, rank much higher than mine. 

So while I would be lying if I said, I don't look at the numbers. I think it's more to be point that I simple enjoy writing for the sake of writing. That I hope in my own little way someone out there gets something from my words. 

So if you ever ask yourself why am I doing this? Why do I waste the time? Think about the fact that maybe it comes from somewhere deep. That it maybe a true passion that stimulates your soul. Rather it's music, or poetry, or painting, or even playing sports. As long as it feeds your soul and helps you to center. Then it's not being needy it's simply living with passion. 


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