The Value Of Time

When I was younger and even in the here and now, I'm not much of a planner. This isn't to say I don't plan anything, it's just when do set a plan into motion, I lose all patients with myself or anyone else and I'm ready to get it done. So what I usually end up doing is give myself a loose schedule from which to work. So when time permits, I jump on the project with "all fours", so to speak. This isn't the most practical way to plan ahead, but I know myself fairly well and so far it works for me. 

But as I get older I do find myself appreciating the value of time more and more. Time is a limited commodity and each of us has just so much. To waste that time may be regrettable or criminal to some, but to focus on past mistakes can be a problem itself. By allowing regret to creep in and rob us of present moments, we are doing to ourselves the same things we are regretting in the first place, wasting time. 

Now this isn't to say to not be remorseful of wrongs you've done. Instead we should seek forgiveness for those things, and then move on. So what I'm saying is, within yourself, don't allow past mistakes or wasteful moments rob you anymore of what you have today. 

You know, I'm not by any means the wise guru parked on some mountain. I'm just a man who has seen myself do some dumb sh#t over my lifetime. But every so often that sh#t can teach valuable lesson. 

If you were to ask, "what is the point your driving at?" I would say, pay attention to the time you have. If a moment or three get wasted, don't let it burden you needlessly. Simple be aware, aware of who you are, and where you're headed. While time may not answer every question, at least enjoy the journey.  


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