Hello, Is There Anybody In There
Anyone my age or who has a decent taste in music (in my opinion) knows where that line comes from. It's the opening line to Pink Floyd's, Comfortable Numb . I was looking through my Facebook and About.me pages when the thought came to my mind how we as humans desire some kinda connection to one another. In my college studies I was made more aware of the fact that humans are tribal and social creatures. It's something we can't help, it's in our DNA. Even the "lone wolves" out there that don't see other humans for weeks or months at the time, need some social interaction. If for nothing else but to barter and trade wears. The old saying still holds true, " no man is an island ." But in this age of social media and instant messaging it seems our desire to be noticed has grown more and more. With the continuing ease of smartphones and apps, we are constantly photoing, posting, and texting our life histories, 140 characters at a time. Now I...