If The Hat Fits

Sitting here, I kinda feel the creative juices oozing out, so I grab my laptop and start typing this. Used to I would jot my thoughts in a notebook (I filled several through my youth). I kept them for many years, but time, life, and moving took care of all that. 

I've never really considered myself an artist although, I have wrote most of my life. I sort of don't think of it as a gift, just something that I do. I played music for a long time also, but that didn't cling to me like the words. But getting back to this artist thing, I've always had an appreciation for artist. I love to look at art in painting and photography. Music and the written word are essential to me as well. 

Maybe I use the excuse of not being an artist to avoid working at it. I mean craftsman (women) work for years at their craft to perfect it. I just sorta sit at the keyboard and peck away. I usually don't have a clue as to where my writing will go. For me that's the adventure of it, beginning at one thought and ending up at another. I guess some could say that's just rambling. If it is that's fine. Remember, I'm not an artist. 

So you may ask, how does the title If The Hat Fits, fit into all of this? Well, if you got something that you enjoy doing like painting, writing, or sewing like my mom. You might be your just good at organizing (if you are, drop me a line, I got boxes for you). Whatever hat fits, wear it. I haven't yet made a dime off anything I've written on my blog. That doesn't mean I'm going to quit because of that, I love doing this too much. 

Maybe that's the thing. We each have some set of skills. It doesn't have to be artistic, although having my boxes of papers organized would be a thing of beauty. Work the skills you love. Look at that service job you got, you maybe a store stocking genius or a true salesperson. Don't knock the gift, don't hold back. Just take the mundane and make it special.     


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