All There Is

It's Friday night, the TV's muted, Spotify isn't on, so it's just me and my thoughts. There have been times when that thought would have terrified me. At one time being alone with my thoughts wasn't such a good idea. That's because my thoughts would haunt me with statements of "what if" and "what I had done". The ghost of past and future failures would be ever present and unending. Telling me of my worthlessness and unworthiness to joy and to life. 

While those thoughts do still come and rear their ugly head every now and then. I've learned that all we really have is the moment we live in now. That the past has faded into the mist of history and that the future has yet to be written, and that all there is, is now.   

So as I sit here and type these thoughts, my heart isn't too worried about what I think. Because each day as I match through each moment I learn that with each step to be mindful and grateful for the moment I have. So when I march into the mist and someday be forgotten, I will still live on. 


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