It's up to You

Over the past few weeks I’ve been knee deep finishing up my latest book Happy Thoughts. Despite this being the fourth book I’ve written, the challenges don’t get any easier. For one being an independent publisher does give you complete creative control. But at the same time it means you assume all editorial work and all the risk in making sure the book will be successful and we’ll received. So let me put it like this, just like being an independent business owner, it’s up to you to make sure this thing is successful.

I don’t think I have to tell any of you, that working for yourself isn’t easy. It’s isn’t like clocking in at a job and putting yourself on the timer till the end of the week when you get paid. For one you don’t make any money till you put yourself out there and make some. Now if you work a gig that pays that way, then rather you want to believe it or not, you’re an independent business person. Congratulations, I think?

Like I said in this type of career you have to have a lot of faith in yourself. In my situation as a writer, I have to believe that I have something important to say. And that at some point, people would be willing to give me their hard-earned money to read what I think. Believe me it’s harder than it sounds. Your friends and family might enjoy your banter, but in order to be successful you have to convince total strangers to buy what your selling.

For me that’s easier said then done. For nearly my entire life I’ve been plagued with issues of insecurity and low self-esteem. Two things that don’t work well in your favor unless you have some real raw talent. In my situation writing is a skill and skills have to practiced and honed. But when you add to the mix self-respect issues, I think you see where I’m going.

The point I wish to make is dreams will remain just dreams unless you put in the work to make them happen. An idea can change the world, but unless you put in the time and effort, your ideas won’t change a thing. In order to make dreams a reality, you have to have faith in yourself and the message you wish to send. At the moment I believe my story is worth telling. That the things I have to say can help others or at least let them know that they are not alone. So dream you dreams and plan your plans, with a little faith all things are possible.

For information on where to purchase on latest book click below:


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