Little More Like Grandma

St. Andrews Beach - Jekyll Island I haven’t long finished supper (dinner) and just took my seven o’clock medication. After a dinner I try to make a habit of not eating anything else. I suppose that all got started when I moved in with my Grandma Geiger. After my separation and eventual divorce, I moved in with my grandmother, (it’s sorta a Geiger tradition). We had the standard agreement, I'd buy her treats (candy, soda, takeout), took her on errands, and mowed the grass. She provided home cooked meals, a comfortable bed, hot showers, and conversations about my personal life rather I wanted to hear them or not. Like I said, it’s a Geiger rite of passage. Anyway, just before dark it was a tradition to have a bowl of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, milk, and a spoonful of sugar. Laying here now looking out at the sunset, I’m reminded of the crazy conversations me and that woman would have over our bowls of cereal. She would pass on the me her decades of experience. Her crazy old sayi...