Arrows into the Stars

You know it’s funny, how surprises can come and blow you away. Confirming that all the arrows you have been shooting into the stars were true. Faith is rewarded in due time, it’s patience that is the key. I see so many searching for a grain of truth in their lives. Running from one message to the next. But often it’s just a waste of time. I ran from one bright light to the next, only to watch their flames eventually dim.

It took me decades to learn that one true flame burned within myself. A spark that was lit by a connection. A spark that at times faded to an ember, but through the breath of hope and love has ignited again and again. We were placed on this Earth not to be alone. Over the years we travel, we are connect with others. Rather for a brief moment or a lifetime it is these connections that keep us going.

Throughout my life there has been one steady candle. It started as nothing more than a single match and over the decades has remained the one constant truth in my life. Now for you this truth can be a person or an ideal, a discovery or a mission. Whatever it is, it creates the person you truly are. For me that one central flame has been the central light that has guided my path. A truth that no matter what gets in the way, is always there…that light has been love.

All I can tell you is find what drives you, discover what pushes you to a better place. Do not dive into a pool of stagnant water and expect to come out cleaner. Change the things in your life that corrupt and cause you pain. Find what inspires you, be honest with yourself, and never, never be afraid to fire arrows into the stars.


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