Smallest Candle

Left facing harsh realities leaves even the happiest of clowns sad. Thinking about the recent string of celebrity deaths, it’s not hard to see things from their point of view. I am no professional therapist, but I was an excellent patient at telling one what they wanted to hear. It’s so easy to tell someone your fine, when deep inside your dying a death by a thousand cuts. Even the best of us get tried of carrying on like everything’s okay.

It’s hard to pinpoint any particular reason for this train of thought. Other than it being hot and I’m exhausted from working on the book. It could be the reading and re-reading all those stories that’s depressing. Looking at all that hope and potential and asking myself, what has it gotten you? Despite whatever tales we tell ourselves, reality comes with every phone call, every email. You can only ignore the knocking for so long.

Yeah, I understand how the façade of happiness, purpose, and well being can wear thin. Because in those quiet hours the voices return, and you are left alone. I wish I had some grain of truth to pass on. But some journeys have to be walked alone. Writing my truth is one release from the pain. Another is listening to the darkness and speaking compassionately to it. There is light, the smallest candle shines brightest when surrounded by darkness.


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