Wherever You Can

It’s one of those melancholy days today, with the sun bleeding heat under an umbrella of high humidity. I had to defrost my AC this morning, apparently it froze up over night. I turned it to fan mode then turned a box fan towards the coils to dry them out. Considering it was a balmy 74° this morning it didn’t take long for it to dry out. Other than that my delicious dinner from last night has come back to bite me in the ass (quite literally) this morning. So I’m once again sitting around here dressed pretty the same as my newborn grandchild.

I’m all to pieces sorry I can’t offer you a more picturesque view of my life. But unlike some people I enjoy following that are either on a beach vacation or traveling overseas. My station in life is planted right here either making doctor appointments or being a caregiver to my family members. But such as it is, I pretty much walked into this situation with my eyes wide open. I knew 35 years ago my bribe had her limitations. And as far as our son, you just learn as you go and love them unconditionally. For these are the adventures of life.

The reason I’m telling you any of this is to say, pull whatever joy can out of life. Don’t let circumstance and troubles rob you of your peace. Listen with as much shit as I’ve gone and I’m going through. I try my damnest to find a little joy in each day. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t have my dark times. But with each moment I try to remain aware and focused on living my life as best I can. Cause Lord knows, I don’t want to find myself again buried in the fetal position wishing it would all just turn off. 


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