Take Up the Slack
With a feel like temperature of 113° (45°C) hopefully this is will be the hottest temperature of the week. But in a year of crazy up and down temperatures, who knows what we’ll end up with by summers end. For the last several days I’ve been hiding out in my bedroom/office with the curtains drawn and the AC blasting. But even with all that it’s still in the upper 70’s in here. I already jumped a cold shower once today, with plans for another one later. My bride seems immune to hot weather in the living room with nothing but a fan.
Don’t worry everybody I’ve stayed plenty hydrated this spring and summer. With temperatures hovering in the low-80’s since February I kind of knew what kind of summer this was going to be. Much like my old man a glass of ice water or tea ain’t far out of my reach. I don’t know why I started writing this little ditty other than the fact that am a little bored. Not much going on in my head, which has been a refreshing change. Went to see the new grandbaby yesterday afternoon. I was told she’d been fussy all day, but me and her grandma sound asleep after a bottle.
Over the last several years me and my bride have been entering a new phase in our lives. I at least, have discovered I’m not superman anymore. But I’ve grown comfortable letting others take up the slack. Although there are a lot of things I still end up having to do. At least from a physical aspect I’ve settled into more of a supervisory role. Life is a funny thing. Last I had a little trouble getting back to sleep after getting up around 3am. But this morning my EKG was normal, my heart rate was a mire 74 BPM and my blood pressure was 116/69. Not bad for a fellow with only 60 or so percent of his heart working right.
I guess the thing is, we should be appreciative of what we have. Listen I definitely inherited some nasty genes from my parents. But I got no one to blame but myself for not taking care of this body. I got beat up mentally by a whole bunch of people in my life. But it’s ultimately up to me to make peace with that. Listen, I’m so far from perfect that it ain’t even funny. But that doesn’t give me an excuse to not work on myself. Oh there are a few folks out there still waiting for me to change. But at the same time there’s always a little tweaking even they can be doing to themselves.
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