Respect Yourself

I know that for me, I'm reopening an old subject. But sometimes things can creep into your mind that you thought you sweep out a while back. I have been asked to tell the story of myself and to be honest for some that's not a hard thing to do. We as people love to discuss our favorite subject, ourselves, all the time. If that were not true why is Mark Zuckerberg a billionaire?

For me I guess really talking about myself brings up a lot of ghost. Ghost of memories like being bullied or laughed at by my peers. Ghost of the masks I wore to let them think it didn't bother me. The sense of humor I developed to at least get them to like me. The things that many of us lived through everyday while growing up. 

So when someone actually wants to hear my story, to know who I am, I kinda freak out. I begin to hear those same ghost all over again. It's funny how the past continues to define us. How everyday you either embrace the voices or you push them away. It's never an easy process, you can either remain bitter and polish the mask you going to wear for the day. Or you can learn to respect yourself and slowly become what you know deep inside you really are. 

But there are times years later when that ghost says, "boo!" Let's hope that by now instead of running and hiding, you look it straight in the eyes and say, "alright, you've said your piece, now go on home." Then you go on and live just as you should been allowed to all those years ago.  


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