When You Should Shut-Up

Have you ever looked back at a day and just wished you'd kept your mouth shut. I know I have. I've never been one to shy away from a conversation. But there are times when you learn more from listening than by talking. Developing your ability to listen can be a great tool in your career as well as in life. 

When dealing with people, rather they are your friends or perfect strangers, giving your absolute attention is the clearest way to show that person they are important and worthy of your time. Too many times in my business and unfortunately personal life, I've seen people who may think they were listening demonstrate to me their total lack of how to listen. 

When in conversation give eye contact, looking away sometimes is okay, that usually demonstrates deep thought. But when you look away too much, it simple gives the impression your disinterested and looking for escape. 

When listening really listen. Be mindful of the tone or the emotion they put into the conversation. In both business and personal communications doing this helps you focus in on the real hidden meaning in what's being said. In a personal conversation, it can give you insight on what is really bothering your friend. In business this can help solve the real question that potential client is asking. So listen and hear what is being said and how they are saying it. 

I know this may seem like an over simplistic post on the art of listening. But for me, these are the areas of importance in having a conversation. Another one is, when listening, give your full attention, your smartphone can wait. I'd hate to think you blew a million dollar deal because a friend sends you the latest cat video. Remain focused on the person in front of you.

Your business life depends on it.  


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