Is This What Normal Feels Like?

Like most good Southerners after a day of working in the 95+ degree heat and that wonderful 90% humidity, I take a cold shower when I get home. I do it to cool off some, but I mostly do it to keep my wife from Lysoling me down when I come in the door. You see down here in South Georgia, sweat is a part of life. 

Anyway, it's been a while since I've posted. It's been a bit busy with work and school, you'd think at my age one or both of those things would be off the table by now. But there not, so I'm looking forward to another year of school and working till the Good Lord calls me home. Which neither one I really mind, I mean it appeared to me my father was bored senseless after retirement. And if nothing else, school keeps me sharp and willing to try new things.

Like I mentioned, it's been awhile since I posted. It's been one of those periods in my life where I'm out of stuff to say. (Which I'm sure many people I know have never seen.) Believe it or not I get that way, where I just run out of words and prefer keeping to myself. Still one thing I've noticed over the past number of days is, I don't feel as panicky and my anxiety has mellowed out a bit. 

Last month I wasn't really bouncing off the walls, but I was wound up pretty tight. I had some situations causing me unwanted tension and despite my best efforts I couldn't shake it. Oh, believe me, the panic and fear are far less then they have been over the years, still at this point, the minor stuff puts a cramp on an otherwise nice day. 

Can I give a definitive answer as to why I'm feeling better, no. All I know are many of the heightened sensations have calmed down to a low roar. To be honest I wish I did know what I am doing different because I'd bottle it and put in a break in case of emergency box. 

So as I enjoy my sad air conditioner and warm air pushing fan, I'll simply say this. Live life as much as you can. Try and not let the past or the future steal your peace. Remember the only thing you have control of is now, live in your now.  The rest will sort itself out tomorrow. 


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