When There's No Spark
Being the certified cynic that I am, you would think I'd say, "not always, sometimes hard work isn't rewarded." But while that can be true in a monetary sense, if you look at life as "teaching moments". Then you can give yourself a reward for even the failures you experience.
You can look at this as some sad daily affirmation or poorly worded "hang on there" poster in a lifeless cube farm. Still as I get older I'm learning life can't always be treated with a cynical eye. There are genuine moments of good over bad but it's up to us to find them.
Today is a good example of this, I started this post without a single clue where it might go. Often I can sit in front of a blank screen and pound out a few coherent thoughts. But today has been a struggle, this is my third time looking for a clear thought. But now I think I can see what my inner soul is wanting to say to you.
That not every day brings a pot of gold, hell must days only give a pile of shit. It's up to you to either look at that pile and either give up and go another day. This may not be much of a post, but it's the best I got for now. And, isn't that all we can ask of ourselves.
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