When Dealt A Bad Hand

If you have read enough of my post you know I try and put a positive spin on whatever life subject that I'm touching on. Most of my writing has come from my own experiences and the experiences of those I love. While many of the experiences that I've had can be looked it from a degree of sympathy. There is another in my life that have been dealt much worse hands than any I ever had. 

This individual means the world to me, in fact the last 25+ years of my life have been devoted to giving her all I can. For many others this individual has be considered disposable or insignificant, but in my life she has fulfilled dreams and made miracles come true. On the surface she may be consider hard to understand or uncomfortable to be around. In all honesty I sometimes forget and speak harshly to her myself, but in time I'm reminded that in my harshness I am very wrong. 

I often have been complimented on my taking on the task of caring for this individual. When in reality they should be complimenting her for putting up with me. I honestly believe that in true loving connections there is a balance, a yin and yang if you will. In my life I have learned so much from this person, who is considered defective by so many, a cast-off or unteachable.

My response to those claims is more laughable than anger. Simply because there were so many times when this individual was mothering and caring for helpless babies. And while in her loving arms, she would sing to them in her out of tune loving way, the alphabet song and other nursery rhymes. Even today, in her most imperfect way, she supports and loves her little ones. 

Many have called me the rock or foundation of this home, but seriously "a monkey with a flashlight can do my job." The hard part is planting the seeds of love and compassion and of wanting to be better. Those are the things I have learned from her. So when I do get down in the dumps and feel the whole world is against me. All I have to do is look across my bed to someone whom time and time again has been told that they couldn't, yet they have. When I think along those lines, it doesn't take me long to shut-up my whining and get off my ass. 


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