Just Walk Away

The idea for this title came to me after thinking about how some people never evolve or change. An example of this can be my own outlook on people with disabilities. Honestly I thought people with mental challenges were best left to do what they could and be cared for. 

What I have learned is that while a person may have a mental or emotional challenge it doesn’t stop them from learning, developing, or evolving as individuals. That these individuals can contribute and offer all of us “normal people” insights into things we thought we knew. This is one of many things I’ve learned over my lifetime, so far. 

I’m sure each one of us can name someone who over the years acts or thinks no differently than they did 10, 20, even 30 years ago. Now this isn’t to say that all values should change, what I’m saying is that some attitudes we held as a society in the past that need to remain part of the past.  

A long time ago I decided to stop arguing with people I disagreed with on certain moral or ethical subjects. That all the arguing and finger pointing just wasn’t worth the breath I was wasting. Now some may argue that avoidance defeats to point of debate, my reply to that would be I’m just trying to keep the peace. Besides a wise person chooses their battles because sometimes wars are won without bloodshed or hurt feelings. 

I suppose the point here is, in life no one is ever gonna agree a 100 % of the time. And that sometimes people believe what they want to believe, no matter how backward you may feel about it. The thing is be respectful, you don’t have to agree with their views but the best way to change those views is through your actions. Still when faced with ignorance sometimes you just have to walk away, because the light of truth is a bright light indeed.


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