
Well, I spent about 8 hours asleep and now I'm sitting in front of my stock and trade, my computer keyboard. So what now? Normally, I start my day by checking emails and responding to messages. Then I may go to Facebook and checkout the family gossip, then start my day either working on my new book or creating blog posts. Today feels a little different; I don't want to go back to bed mind you. I'm just asking myself, am I doing enough? It's never a bad thing to re-access your situation every now and then. Sometimes without realizing it, we find ourselves in a holding pattern. Going neither up nor down, just sitting in traffic burning fuel. I don't want to say that's where I am at the moment, but you know. Sometimes life is not about the high it gives, it’s about the routine. We've programmed ourselves for so long to look for the highs, that we forget routine is the norm. Life is made up mostly of routine, but that doesn't mean its a total bore....