I Can’t Shake It

I don’t think of myself as much of a softy, I suppose it’s my life experiences that make me this way. But lately my thoughts have been dwelling on the positives in my life. The fact that I’m breathing is one positive, the fact I didn’t have a stroke Saturday is another. Despite all the physical limitations that have been placed on me lately, my overall outlook on life is a good one.

For whatever reason we seem to enjoy focusing on the negative aspects of life. Rather it’s predicting it will rain on our day off or thinking whoever the next President becomes will surely kill us all. We as humans seem to focus on doom and gloom. I’m no psychologist, nor have I ever played one on TV. But for some insanely silly reason I’ve had this streak of optimism I can’t shake, crazy right?

But despite whatever odds that were stacked against me poor health, mental issues, supporting a large family, being a caregiver to challenged individuals; I’ve achieved goals such as graduating college (three times) and publishing two books. You do not accomplish goals like that ringing your hands and giving up. You achieve these goals through blood, sweat, tears, and maybe even a heart attack or two; why, because you want too.

In my life I’ve met many people that just skated through living on a wing and a prayer. Only to become bitter-ass bitchers about how nothing ever goes their way. I use to try and reason with these individuals about having faith and working to change. But lately I understand why Christ said “the poor will always be among you.” Meaning it is a simply a fact of life that some people don’t want or desire to do better.

Now is that a sin? Maybe? The point is, don’t let others steal your dreams. Even when the odds are so stacked against you, until your gut tells you otherwise don’t give up. If you look at my current situation from 50,000 ft., you’d see a failure. But if you take a minute and look in my heart you’d realize the passion, the fire, and the pleasure I get from doing what I do. So don’t allow Debbie Doubters to steal your thunder. Live your dreams and the hell with the odds.    


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