
The family I grew up in was not rich but we were comfortable. We lived the middle class dream. Dad had a stable factory job, mom worked at home, they had a reasonable mortgage, two cars, two sons, a daughter, a cat, and a dog; we couldn’t get more average American. But today while more Americans are working than ever before, they depend on Snap, WIC, SSI, and subsidized healthcare just to get by; while the CEO’s and businesses Americans work for make record salaries and ever higher corporate profits. What’s wrong with this picture? I have nothing against businesses and corporations making a profit; hell, if they don’t then we’d all be up shit creek. The question I ask is what is fair? Several years back I worked out a business plan for a technology business. Within that plan I had worked out how the business wouldn’t be just a trickle down compensation for hourly paid the employees. Instead the vested employees or partners would share in the profit making a...