Give Back

On social media earlier, I mentioned having empathy for others. That a lot of the time, we tend to be too fixated on our own problems. I know this can be true for me considering my health issues. But the thing I try to do is be proactive in the community of individuals like myself. Other than trying to be a little less selfish with my time and energy; I found that by giving back, I actually receive back in kind.  

Many of us have become so focused on me, myself, and I; that we end up either only giving lip service to the needs of others. Or we just refuse to empathize with the needs of others at all. I know time is precious and your livelihood depends on you getting stuff done. All I’m asking is while you’re working on your own needs; make time to see the real world around you. You may be surprised.  

It is my desire with these posting to help you become a better you. To help you work more effectively and to be a happier more satisfied person. My belief is that by giving more of yourself you are doing just that. Last year when I faced heart surgery and an extended hospital stay. The individuals in my life that I had cared for stepped up to the plate and allowed me to focus on my recovery. 

What I’m saying is, the more you give the more you get back. I know that sounds a lot like a TV evangelist begging you to buy them another private jet. But what it really is about is giving of your time and attention (and maybe a little money) to the needs around you and your community. Give Back.  


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