Fourth of July

Good morning. Well this weekend has been a holiday weekend here in the United States with everything finishing up tonight. Because of that, I've more or less given myself a rest from writing anything too dramatic, limiting myself to a few personal tweets and some light-hearted Facebook postings.

But this doesn't make me unaware of the suffering that many are experiencing here and around the world. I think one of the problems we have is the fact that our human minds can only handle so much stress. Yet we constantly expose ourselves to it all the time through technology and the ever increasing pace of life.

I'll be honest; I think if I lived back in Savannah again, I wouldn't be here today. I know that's a strong statement to make; but the seeds of my anxiety were already even there back then. If they had blossomed at that time; I have to wonder with all the "noise" that was going on around me, if could I have handled it.

We all seek asylum from one thing or another. It is my hope this holiday that each of you find some peace of mind from the problems you face. I consider myself lucky to have been given certain gifts like the gift of writing and expressing my thoughts honestly. These two things alone have given me clarity to look at myself honestly and with an open heart. The first steps to gaining freedom from stress are to be honest with yourself, quieting your mind, and change the things you can.

Happy Fourth of July


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