Closest Thing to Love

This is a departure from my usual postings, So please allow me to deliver a special message to my birthday girl. 

Granny and our Granddaughter
I’m sure that many of you that know me personally know the story of me and my wife Lisa. We met way before we were married; in fact my parents attended her father’s church when I was about 16 years old. If you do the Math that makes Lisa around 12 years old around that time. What I remember of her back then was she was just a skinny, friendly kid no self-respecting 16 year old would give the time of day too or at least should.

Well time passes and her family moved on and my family moved on, so over the years Lisa and her family became just a pleasant memory. Over the years I grew up, moved out, and got married. The next few years were interesting to say the least, my then bride and I like most lost individuals grew to hate each other, so we divorced. For a little while I moved back in with my grandmother (the divorced men’s halfway house) and started putting my life back together.

It was during this time that someone mentioned that my old pastor, John Woodcock would be holding a revival at Fort Argyle Church in Savannah, so I decided to attend a service to see my old pastor. Long story short, before the service I could see John being John with members of the congregation. As we shook hands, he mentioned that Lisa was with him. As he pointed her out, I was looking for a gangly little 12 year-old; instead I saw a 19 year old grown woman.

It would be a lie to tell you I remembered any of that night’s sermon other looking over at Lisa the whole time. Despite all the crap I had went through the over past few years, about two seconds after the closing prayer, I bolted over to where Lisa was. It was always a tradition at Fort Argyle to go out to the Huddle House after church. Being the dumb struck 20-something I was; I invited myself along just to “catch up”.

That was over 30 years ago and through all the peaks and valleys we have experienced together the death of loved ones, the birth of our kids, and seeing our first grandchild. I thought that today would be a good day to tell the world how much I love this woman.

I have often wondered how many people believe it was fortunate that I came into Lisa’s life. The truth of the matter is how fortunate it is that Lisa came into my life. I was a wreck during those years, I had no fall back plan. Yet here was a woman despite all my flaws that loved me without conditions. I am mouthy, I am cynical, I am a smart ass, I can be cold domineering; and did I say a jackass. Yet for nearly 30 years she has chosen to wake up next to me, did I tell you I snore really loud.

I believe there has to be balance in your life to be truly content. Not too much sad, not too much happy, just balance. In our lives we have that balance. For every weakness I possess, she has a counter balance that even things out and the same is true for every weakness she has. I don’t come to understand this overnight; it took me a while to understand what the hell I was feeling. All I knew in the early days was that I was and still am in love.

Will here it is my decoration of love. To the woman who delivered me four strong, opinionated, yet passionate children. Rather they remember or not it was their mother that taught them compassion; I just taught them how to tie their shoes backwards and how to be smart asses. Right now as I write this Lisa is thinking I’m writing something to embarrass her or something and maybe it will. But honestly this comes from my undying love for her and the joy she bring's to my life.

Happy Birthday, Baby.            


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