Making Excuses

Good morning. Before I get "Knee Deep in the Hoopla", I thought I'd clear my head and let you know how things are going. Before I've spoken about my family and how they have been the glue that has held my sanity together. The perceived fact that my wife and kids were so dependent on me to "keep it together" was the anchor that kept me going all these years.  

But time has passed and the kids are grown and creating their own lives. All that's left are my wife and special needs son. But in reality, other than keeping the lights on, they do pretty well on their own. So you may ask, what is your point?  

Maybe it's to say, it okay to do things for you. Believe it or not I sometimes feel guilty talking about myself all the time. To be honest, the way the world is I find that I have fewer and fewer true friends. You know the kind, the ones you can pour your heart out too. It's not that my friends don't care, it's simply because they don't have the time. (Or maybe it is because I don't have any friends?) My point is looking at yourself isn't a bad thing if the goal is to be a better you.  

The thing to remember is don’t allow you to hate yourself. Love and compassion begin with loving who you are warts and all. You cannot improve your situation unless you look at who you are with compassion and a desire to change. For far too long I hated the man I saw in the mirror. Now I try to smile and understand that the dude looking back at me is a work in progress. So love yourself and those around you. You'll find it a lot easier than just making excuses to just drag things along.


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