Please Continue to Hold

I wonder how many hours I have spent on hold with a business or government agency over my lifetime? I wonder if that time could add up to days or even weeks? Have any of you ever wondered about that? 

My reason for bringing this very unpopular subject isn't to just vent about the hours wasted that could be used to do something else. It's to first wonder why someone hasn't come up with a better way of doing customer service. Then it's to wonder how many times in our own lives we have paused without a reason for doing so. 

Sometimes the decisions and course corrections we have to make are simple too much. So instead of "biting the bullet" and doing it, we stay content with doing things the way we have been, even though it's bad for us and our careers.

I can't tell you of all the times I have done this just because it made me uncomfortable or it was hard to do so. It's in these times I have to remind myself that when I do make course corrections it was really for the best. That after making the decision I and my family were the better for it. 

But sometimes those benefits were not that immediate and we may panic wondering if that decision was the right one. And yes, I've done this too. But for the most part, if you know in your gut that something needs to change, then you're usually right in changing. 

The moral of this little tale, while I'm waiting on hold quite literally is, don't be afraid of the hard choices. And, if it takes awhile for the change to happen, then be patient and wait.

As far as, having to have to wait on hold for the next available representative, why don't they take your number and call you back when one is available within a window of time? Just wondering.  


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