Pretty Good to Know

Have you ever gotten up and just knew it was going to be a bad day? Well today was one of those days for me. I didn't sleep well until late into the night, and while I got up feeling ok. I just knew which direction my day was going. Still, I managed to get a few things going but, the main item on my agenda barely go off the ground.

Now I'm telling you this to say, while I feel a day may have been wasted (and maybe it was). I can't let that issue cloud my mind. Because God willing, the sun rises tomorrow, and I'll get another chance to hit the ground running.

This may not be the type of motivation you want to hear. You may rather hear something like, "seize the day" or "strike while the fire's hot" or something. That may work for some, but for someone like me that is happy just to be able to get out of bed. Just knowing tomorrow will give me another chance is pretty good to know.  


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