Success = Happiness?

On a number of occasions I've wrote about seeking peace of mind over the pursuit of material things. But realistically, we all gotta' eat. So for me to say, believe in love over gold maybe a misstep. Maybe what I should say is, make love and happiness the priority, not just gold. Because all of us have human needs and responsibilities to meet, but to make those needs the sole aim in life is simply selling yourself short. 

Each of us has an idea of what we believe success is, for me it was to be secure and provide for my family. But in a way that limited me, it placed a blinder in front of me that if I wasn't meeting certain goals, I was failing. As time has progressed, my worth has become deeper than that, because as I have observed, my family sees me as more than just a provider. Do you see where I'm coming from? 

At the moment for me, being successful is to be loved and appreciated for your efforts, not just for what you have provided. Besides in so ways, those who do go without want tend to seen unsatisfied with what they do have. Which from what I've seen, has made me question the ideas of what real success is. Is it material or is it spiritual?

I can't sit here and claim the answer for you, only you can answer that question. Be what I can say is, as I grow older having stuff is less important and being good at what I do is most important. In other words for me, doing a job well leaves the best taste in my mouth, as opposed to just doing. 

I guess the point to all this blah, blah, blah is, piles of cash are fine. But having the respect and love from those whom need you, is something you can take with you forever. 


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