When Offered the Chance

For the last few post I have written about a health issue that has sidelined me for a few weeks. So while I have been sidelined I have taken this as an opportunity to reassess some of the priorities in my life. First and foremost was placing my personal health at a higher priority in my life. Second, has been to look back at the myself and doing a little house cleaning and reorganizing of what was important to myself. 

At this point in my life, my family (which is important) is taking on a different role in my priorities, simple because our children really aren't children at this point. They have either completed college or are finishing college and are leading lives of their own. This has left my wife and I with the task of more or less looking after ourselves. 

While some have difficulty with this point of their lives, we have managed to make peace with it now and look forward to what we are doing next in this phase of our lives. This in turn, along with my current situation has offered up the opportunity to reflect. While I understand perfectly that most of you don't have the leisure of this kind of time. My request today is for you to take a few moments out of your day to reflect and assess where you are. 

My hope is once you have taken the time to do this, you can see where improvements and changes can be made. Changes I hope will only make your life and outlook better. So as you give some thought to what I am saying here, keep in mind that the past is done. And, that the future hasn't been written yet, so what you can change is the here and now. This is your moment, and it offers you a chance to change. If your reflection sees the need for redirection grab hold of the chance and do it.   


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