The Importance of Boredom
Those most important to me can tell you, one of my most interesting character flaws is that I'm bored easily. Now this maybe because I'm lazy or maybe a poor planner, still I have a tendency to run from one project to the next, when the challenge is gone. Like I said, for some this is a major flaw in the system, but after sitting here I started thinking it, maybe boredom can be an asset.
I say this because for me boredom means something has lost it's spark or challenge. For some twisted reason, I seem to thrive on learning new things. While many enjoy drama or comedy for entertainment, I find myself drawn to documentaries or science programs. Even while taking a break from school after several back to back classes, within a few days I'll get bored.
So for some while complacency can be a good thing, if there wasn't those of us that get bored. We'd never have new music or art or new ideas about who we are. While complacency has it's place, change is a constant in this life. So why wait to be forced to change, when you can make change yourself.
I guess the point of this blog, before I get bored, is. Running from one idea to another may not be as bad as we think. At least while moving along, we may learn something new about the world and ourselves.
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