When Losing Focus

Have you ever been intensely working on a project or task and something or someone comes along that totally takes you off course. I'm pretty sure that's happened to each and every one of us at some point. Along those same lines, how do you handle a situation like that on a larger scale. When a distraction or roadblock causes you to loss focus on bigger plans, like on a career or educational goal? Here I'm not talking about the minor bumps in the road we all experience. What I'm speaking of are the life changing situations that can occur, how do you re-focus from that?

Recently, I had one of those life changing events. That has caused me to re-think a lot about the direction I'm going, and where I really want to head in life. I wouldn't call this a mid-life thing, it feels like more than that. It revolves around many areas in my life standard, not just my career or education, but also my health and quality of living. As I've grown older certain things just don't take center stage in my world anymore. I feel my focus is more on where my quality, not quantity of life is heading.

So as I take these moments of my life to debate within myself the direction I should take. Each of you that stumble upon this, ask your self, is this where I want to be? After asking yourself that, don't surrender to the mindset that this is all there is. Because as humans, we each have a purpose, we can create a focus. And, even if that focus is lost, inside us we each have the ability to recreate that focus and purpose again.  


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