Another Thought on Motivation

In case some of you haven't figured this out, sometimes I write just to write. Meaning, I'll start with no particular rhyme or reason in mind, just writing. Usually the reason for doing this is to motivate myself into doing something I really don't want to start. But truth be told, it's something I should get to moving on. I'm sure a bunch of you have done the same thing, dragging your heels to turn out a report or begin a project your heart and mind just isn't into. Believe me I know.  

So I turn to the keyboard and start tapping out this or that and through all the mindless clutter, every now and then a gem appears. Well I'm going to let you figure out which file this post goes into. Either way, it allows me to workout this so-called muscle between my ears. Which in turn simulates the thought process required to "get the job done." 

I guess my point here is, don't think too badly of yourself when the motivation just isn't there. Allow your mind to wonder some, let stretch out and loosen up. Maybe that's all you need to motivate yourself into that project. If not, simply wait till the last minute, so you can tick off all your teammates and that boss in the corner office. Either way, I'm sure it will get done.     


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