
Sometimes you can only fight a battle so much. Day after day of pounding on an enemy sometimes only strengthens their resolve. Sometimes it takes a radical plan to weaken that resolve and that plan may be no plan at all. 

To surrender to seems an impossible situation may sound defeatist. But to continue the fight may lead to something even worse them defeat. Know when to pull up stakes and walk away from the fight, because sometimes an enemy isn't defeated with might, but instead with love and understanding. 

I'm sure a vast majority of you are thinking, "man you are crazy, the only way to win is to defeat your opponent." That may be fine in a game of pick-up or flag football, but this is life, and death not a game.    

When forces are waging a battle within you, suppressing or ignoring it usually ends up doing more damage than good. But at the same time waging war with yourself only leads to mass destruction or worst. 

In my own life, when battling the forces that have robbed me; suppressing, ignoring, and waging war with myself , has only put temporary fixes on the pain. Giving those wounds time to open and reopen again. It wasn't until I discovered that it was compassion and love I needed to give myself. This is when I learned the key to overcoming my war with myself.

By being in the moment with no thoughts of the past or the future, I realized that giving up the war allowed me the opportunity to give compassion to that internal seed of fear and hurt I held. To embrace those seeds and show them everything can be alright, instead of feeding them more hatred and pain. 

You see, most pain comes from a place in the past, and the only way to overcoming those thoughts is through love. By allowing those inner pains to feel compassion, then you can put them and yourself at rest.  


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